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Fabian Silva

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Everything posted by Fabian Silva

  1. Hello, I’m somewhat new to DTF and ever since I started I been having a lot of trouble getting started. But I finally was able to set everything up but I ran into another issue, my prints come out good but once I add powder and cure it my print looks discolored and when I point my print into light I can see these tiny spots that look like pinholes and it’s all over my print. Can someone help me fix this issue ? I can show another image of how it looks like when I help up my print into the light if needed. But here’s one of my prints also I’m using an Epson ET-8550 and I’m using CadLink v10
  2. Hello, I'm having this same issue I have been looking everywhere for a solution but I can't find one. I read all the comments but I'm not sure I understand what you guys were talking about. I'm using an Epson ET-8550 and I use CadLink software, I have been mainly messing around with these settings... Flood Level which I have it at 175, Underbase strength (White under black) which is set to 60%, Max Ink % (White ink Strength) which is set to 55 and I been moving all 3 settings up and down and I still get the same result every time. Is it possible if any of you two can help me?
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