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Kornit Vulcan+ Print Quality issues


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Hello All,


We currently use a Kornit Vulcan + 

We are experiencing two problems at the moment, we’re hoping they are interelated so that if we fix one, we fix both. Both issues are with the white ink.


Issue 1 : Our LAST row of printheads were oddly just dropping like flies. Almost completley out. So as a test, we switched it out with some printheads from our other machine that were definitley healthy and good, yet as soon as we replaced them into this last row, they started going out again. This made us question the possibility, that the printheads themselves are fine, it’s something else that’s causing them to misfire, thus showing a consistent bad nozzle test in the SAME bottom row. 

Issue 2: ALL of our white prints are dealing with this weird overspray. hazing. misting around the edges. But as you can notice, it happens very specifically in specific areas. The clear horizontal lines both top and bottom is always, yet it will come out completley clear on these slanted vertical lines sometimes. Below is several links to several examples of white prints where you can see where the hazing/overspray/misting is OBVIOUSLY happening, and a certain pattern of where it’s not. 


What we’ve tried thus far

-switched out the dongleboards with fully functional ones

-switched out the logic board with fully functional onesimage.thumb.jpeg.2cd27c2355aca9a8e9dd5c9b6c92af0b.jpeg

-did a test using max height and least amount of height between printheads and pallets 

-did a test using max choke, and least amount of choke

-did a test using max highlight, and least amount of highlight 



Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions?


Feedback would be greatly appreciated!!





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On 9/23/2023 at 12:38 PM, anum11 said:

There is gooed inks in in lines and dampers most likely. It causes bad nozzles and cross firing issues. That would be my guess.


First off thanks for the input! 

Do you think that it is likely that there is gooed ink in all of the lines of just the one row that is out? 

Thats the only thing that is making me think twice about this. 

I will definitely check this out though, Would you recommend changing out the filters as the first step? Or do you think I should just change out all of the ink supply lines? 

Any more insight would definitely help! 


Thank You! 

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