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Posts posted by johnson4

  1. 1 hour ago, nursemm05 said:

    just set up my epson xp-15000 with a chipless setup today. I've printed several prints with no issues, including an all white print. got an error the white was empty so I pulled both carts and added ink. waited for the printer to re-initialize. still getting the same error. Closed out Acrorip 10.3 and restarted it. still getting the error. tried to only print "white + color" and "color first" WITH "white + color". also tried just printing with "color first". All come back with the same error message. I tried to google and the only valuable result was this forum with an outdated post that was only trying to print a solid white design (they never came back and said if the solutions worked)

    Screenshot 2022-08-25 203201.jpg

    If I remember correctly you need to disable one "copy", Maybe disable print color layer first, disable white+color and remove white+color my making it 0 copies. 


    Sorry It's been awhile since I used Acro.

  2. 2 hours ago, TeedUp said:

    So where are you now with your P5000 recommendation? As my favorite most trusted reviewer, perhaps you could clarify/summarize where you are NOW with your top choices at each volume level. (Is it 1400 at the low end, P400 in the middle, P800 at the higher, then dual head xp600s ?)  Detail not necessary, just want to understand your current preferences. Thanks!

    I think it's going to vary from person to person. 


    I would just recommend buying a purpose built setup from someone with support in your country and a history of good business practices. 


    Epson conversions will always be disposable and have some flaw in the grand scheme of things. For an actual business that wants to actually make real profit- I would personally avoid Epson conversions for DTF specifically. They are great to learn on and grow from, but know your efforts and costs will ultimately result in throwing it in the trash eventually. Even over super tiny miniscule mistakes. 


    Going the DIY route has cost more money than I like to admit, It's just like any other manufacturing business. 





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  3. 4 hours ago, natandrea7 said:

    In need to replace my headprint R1900 R200, this headprint are not abble to find anymore. I found a DX5 P400, It will work on my print? Anyone has an update about it?

    The p400 printhead only works in the p400. It’s a variation of the dx5, but doesn’t work in anything else. 

    you need one of those expensive out of production printheads. The gray dx5’s suck for DTF from my experience, which I think is in the R1900, it was in my r1800 and R2400 and both never printed DTF ink correctly, just standard ink. 

    good luck

  4. 9 hours ago, Craig Keller said:

    What's better to convert Epson 1400 or Epson eco tank?


    To me it’s like asking a stranger if you need a motorcycle or a semi truck to get to work. 


    each printer model has its own ups and downs, positives and negatives, or overall better suited for a certain type of use and maintenance when it comes to conversions. 
    they also come with their own set of headaches. 

    In reality it will likely get broken whichever you choose within the first couple weeks/months, I wouldn’t sweat it. That’s not being “ negative”, rather realistic. It has a sharp learning curve- not how to make your first print, that’s pretty easy- but how to make your first profitable print and sustain that for months on end without breaking something expensive.

    my favorite for lower printing requirements was the p400, with the p800 for 50-200 transfers a day. 

    if you plan on doing 0-15 a day I would go with the 1400. I’d never use an eco tank personally, much better out there for the same price or a bit more with far less long term issues. $1900 can buy you a beast of a machine that can print over 200 10x10’s in a work day. In a rather easy “ push button” style.  So buying a machines for a bit less than half of that that can’t do more or less  than 10-25 a day without serious issues. 

  5. 40 minutes ago, ethanj098 said:

    Yeah, I believe when this happened, we ended up replacing the head as we didn't really know what we were doing at the time. Now, looking back, we did try dampers first, but nothing seemed to work, so we threw a new head in and it ended up working for quite a while.


    DTF is very VERY touchy and you need to be careful and make sure you are taking the preventive maintenance needed daily, to ensure that white ink doesn't settle. 


    If it settles and clogs your printhead, you are in for a headache for sure.

    Very very true, yet the most underestimated aspect.

  6. 10 hours ago, Craig Keller said:

    To start with a new printer to be able to print dtf any suggestions? Has anyone converted a Epson 1400?

    Tons of videos that I’ve seen. 

    research, doing it and making mistakes is how you start. 

    it’s pretty basic though. find a supported printer by your favorite RIP, check if it has Chipless firmware, aftermarket cartridges. If it has a waste tank, a waste tank resetter. If it doesn’t have. Waste tank an adjustment program to reset it. 

    remove the rollers, make an output tray- spend a few weeks or months learning hands on and you’ll be fine. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Andria said:

    Ok, so good news.  The guy agreed to replace the two liters of White Ink ASAP. And for me, it's lesson learned:  Don't buy so damned much ink at one time!  I was just under the impression that it uses a LOT of ink to do DTF.  Even just my temp install of the OEM carts, there was a LOT of waste in the bottom of my waste jug.   Hey, here's an important question for you: How do we dispose of the ink in the waste tank?   Environmentally speaking? 



    you would reach out to a local waste center and ask. Me personally I dry them out and throw the dry solids in the trash for DTF ink. 

    for one liter of white ink I can generally get about 500 feet of transfers depending on coverage. About a roll and a half of 13” film. 

  8. 17 hours ago, Andria said:

    Well, and it would be REALLY silly for me to try and find a way to finance a big, fancy DTF printer when I have never even tried one out.  I have to start somewhere.  I wasted so much money trying to get into Sublimation about 10 years ago, I purchased what I thought was a great deal, it was an already converted printer w/CISS and my heatpress (with multiple attachments) some small bottles of ink, a few polyester blanks and paid over $600....I still use the heatpress.....I ended up chucking the printer in the trash because it sat for so long I "assumed" it was shot, if only I knew then..... up until recently, I had no idea how easy it is convert nearly ANY Epson printer - So, I did it again, but this time because I learned I could do sublimation and was no longer limited to JUST polyester and light colors...like always, I got over-zelous bought $500/worth of EasySubli from Conde and I paid some joker $600 for an already converted Epson 2720 (or 2728?) with a CISS system installed and some little bottles of ink and got really excited...until I learned that printer retailed for about $70....it did print nice subs, though...better than the Sawgrass SG500....I'm sad that I sold the Epson ET and purchased this Sawgrass....it prints lovely on mugs and using reg sub paper to print on Light colored, polyester, but I'm not as impressed with the EasySubli as the people in the videos made me think I would. Also, it is heavy on the shirts.  And then there's the fact that I don't know how I am going to afford the ink carts when it comes time to replace them.  They accidentally sent me the larger carts, so that was a bonus, but other than that, I haven't even been able to SALE the SG500.  My first intention was to get the ET-15000 (like ANYONE could find them) convert it and sale the Sawgrass.  I found the XP15000 and decided it would be better since it was photo quality and was going to convert it to Sublimation.....then, I saw DTF.  On the UPside....my options are still open...I could still do Sub with the XP...but I really don't want to.   Ok, I getta log on for work.  Have a good day!


    Absolutely, I was and still am an avid DIY’er. 

    i only have two “ store bought” printers and one was garbage. 

    all I’m saying is it’s going to cost you to learn and make mistakes, and it will happen. 

    i have seen so much bad advice on FB I left those groups entirely. We all learn and grow, but swearing by an untested “answer” and convincing a stranger they should do X or buy X without any detailed reasons is non-sense. If I recommend  X I can tell you why. With the “ why” you can decide for yourself and if my “ why” includes long term success and what “long term” is to that person. That and all the negativity and people who dont put any effort into anything and expect answers that will Make them rich overnight without any work.

    anytime you see a video nowadays- it’s only there for profit reasons on their part the majority of the time. Views or by selling something. I have seen wayyyy too many dumb videos or affiliated videos hiding the negatives. First hand experience always trumps everything else, which unfortunately costs money. 

    I only know that because I found my own way and made my own mistakes. If you do the same it’ll cost a bit upfront, and a lot of time, but yes it’s absolutely worth it if you pull through and don’t majorly rely on strangers advice for every step. 

    that’s why so much money has been lost on my side, but in return that has turned into experience. 

    i would not recommend starting out by taking out a loan for a $20,000 machine. But if you want full success with the least cost, it’s the way to go in the long run after getting your feet wet.  Free support and advice that is bound by the seller, well it’s usually accurate and helpful and can boost the experience/ drop the learning curve time. 

    if not, you are destined to at least a few months of headaches, broken machines and reinvesting. But it pays off if you don’t give up and figure it out. When I hear I can’t afford X and it’s basically the bare minimum, I always point out that it doesn’t stop there and you will need additional funds to keep going before turning much, if any profit. 

    the main thing is properly maintaining the ink and keeping the machine properly cleaned without letting the machine sit for days at a time. Learning this is the most expensive part, aside from finding yourself in the constant need for “ another” device or machine. Everything else can be learned quickly.

  9. 10 hours ago, AmJ said:

    thanks, I will try it on my next print and see if it works, thanks again. 

    So how do i fix it... if we over bake it over 60 secs it get worst and less than 60  sec the powder does not melt completely. I am baking using my press, spacing between press is 1/2" with 356 degs @ 60 secs

    Typically with a heat press it’s around 4-5 minutes. The ink is full of glycol and it must be all evaporated to avoid this. If you just melt the powder without curing the ink this happens. 

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  10. 14 minutes ago, AmJ said:

    I am using a converted Epson ET-8550 printer 

    Lotsa Style DTF inks (amazon), powder and papper is from the same supplier i bought as a bundle (Lotsa Style)


    Spots in black are most notable and a symptom of an improper cure. Wipe it with a damp towel after pressing/peeling and press again to remove them after wiping . 

  11. 2 hours ago, Andria said:

    I don't have a 24" printer, that was just part of the deal when I ordered the bundle so I figured I could cut it to the size I needed. I have the XP-15000.  I'm a long way from being fancy enough that I have to make long runs off of a roll....lol....hell, I haven't made a run at ALL yet.   I have not put ANY ink into ANYTHING yet.  I did fill empties with cleaner tho, since I had originally put in the OEM carts.  I'm in the middle of going around with the company now.  I even called some Chinese guy in CA who is the the US distributor for this manufacturer - but I don't know for sure if he is the seller.  He says those dates are "manufactured" dates and not "expiration" dates.  Now, I've sent off about six emails with pictures, one of which came from the seller from Walmart.com, which I am pretty sure is the same Chinese guy I talked to, but who the hell knows.  Only thing I know for sure is that I bought as much as I could as inexpensively as I could and it all STILL cost me $611....and I'm still paying on it because I used Affirm.  I had no clue that the crap would expire.  I have 11 lbs of hot melt powder that I can't see myself every using up....and it expires after 2 years.   I couldn't afford the ink off of DTFSuperStore, no more than I could afford to buy AcroRip from them....you know where I got it.  Well, I probably could've afforded their ink if I had purchased tiny bottles, but I got this impression that this DTF printing uses a TON of ink, so I wanted to make sure I had a lot.   I get what you are saying about the ink sitting around, BUT we both know they do not walk thru the warehouses of these manufacturers and shake bottles all day every day!  This is the website in CA that I called today.  I was gonna call China, but I reached CA first.  https://www.sign-in-global.us/ 

    I'm tired.  ANOTHER weekend accomplishing VERY little for my business.  The printer IS ready, the CISS is in place and all....it just needs ink.  I've only been trying to get this all going since JUNE.   It's because I spent $500+ on this Sawgrass 500 and another $500 on a role of EasySubli only to realize I really do not like the way the EasySubli feels on the shirts and I do not want to only do light colored polyester shirts.  Then I saw DTF!!  I'm still sublimating...just not on fabric.  I've printed some beautiful Latte Mugs.  I'll keep it up until I run out of ink in the SG and can't afford $177/each for new carts!!    Maybe someone will figure out a way to non-OEM them by then.  Gotta work tomorrow so I'm going to bed.  Goodnight!



    While I agree with you, I first hand have experienced the negatives multiple times when not shaking the inks correctly and have lost multiple printers over it. There is heavy pigment in them, mainly the white. It settles over time to the bottom, coagulates and never goes into a suspension the same again. This is where the clogging comes from, the ink settles at a much faster rate and separates the carrier once the above has happened. CMYK is much less susceptible but should still be shaken because as well, I’ve paid the price for the experience. I do white daily, sometimes every other day. Cmyk at least once a week. It’s the same reason you can’t leave it unshaken in a printer for extended periods. With a little time, problems slowly show themselves.

    this is step one in maintenance, not underestimating the importance of the small things. I lost most of my money here. 

    for a price comparison DTFSS for 4 cmyk liters, 2 white liters is $330. Add in a $135 roll of film and $125 for 11lb of powder, you are at $590 plus shipping so you probably saved about $100.


    hopefully you get it situated though, we all have our opinions and beliefs but what works for you is what works for you. As I’ve said I’ve spent thousands in mistakes, so I can’t really say much except what I’ve experienced first hand. It’s going to be a long bumpy road, even when that first good looking print rolls out. 




  12. 3 hours ago, Andria said:

    I'm wondering what y'all know about ink expiring....here we go again...lol (but crying REALLY loud!!)

    SO, back in June, I placed the order below via Walmart.com - it was a big investment considering my printer still doesn't have ink in it and was still in the unopened box when I ordered all this crap.

    CALCA 23.6" x 328Ft DTF Transfer Film Roll
    5 Bottles of 1L DTF Inks ( C M Y K W ) &
    11 Lbs DTF Hot Melt Powder (Bundle) $512.63
    and 1 additional Liter of White Ink. $67.13
    The bottles are still sealed because I have been in the slow process of converting and setting up my printer.  Today I was finally ready to put the ink into into my CISS system and upon looking at the bottles of ink, they all state they have a 12 mo. shelf life. I did not know this because the ad on Walmart.com makes no mention of this.  I do not know if the dates stamped on the bottles are the dates of expiration or manufacture.
    This is of major concern because the 2 bottles of white have a date of 11/25/2021 and the four colors are dated 03/07/2022.  This means, that either all of the ink was ALREADY expired when it was sent to me, or I have ONLY 3 months to use up the 2L of white and 7 months to use up the colors, IF the dates stamped are the date of manufacture.
    Considering the size of the bottles, this is a MAJOR problem.  I have not even printed my first print.   It did not occur to me to check for a date when the order arrived, or that I would even need to be concerned about expiration because I have 10 y/o sublimation ink that still works. 


    This was a MAJOR investment for me and now, I don't think I can use even a 1/4 of the product before it expires - or at all if it is already expired and it's probably too late to get my money back.
    I have not contacted Walmart yet.   I wanted to allow Calca the opportunity to resolve this matter first.  I am having a lot of trouble finding the actual Calca website, even tho they are listed as the Seller on Walmart.com.   I can only write 1000 characters via Walmart.com and that is simply not enough.  I found a few websites that the Internet point to when I look for the manufacturer, but emailing the Chinese website the email was returned, but there was a link to the US website.  I'm gonna try to call China! Their phone number is listed along side my order. *smh really hard*



    In general I would order from somewhere like DTFSUPERSTORE.com. 

    you want a reliable consistent US supplier that won’t send expired inks and has the purchasing power to demand a quality product. A US based company would also usually stand behind their products. DTF ink is pigmented ink, sublimation altogether is absolutely nothing like DTF and shouldn’t be considered as such. Sublimation ink is dye based and contains no solids, the main issue with old sub ink is discoloration and getting dull colors. Old DTF ink coagulates and destroys ink systems and printheads. 

    if you haven’t been shaking your white ink daily and your cmyk ink a few times a week it’s likely not any good for that reason as well. 

    The ink can make or break the entire process and can immediately destroy your printer. The ink is literally the only part that makes it any different than just using a regular printer. You will have to clean many parts daily, shake inks and other things you don’t have to do with dye based ink. 


    what Epson conversion are you using that uses 24” wide film?


  13. 15 hours ago, luiz92 said:

    Hi, I'm new on this business and this is the closest post related to my issue I could find. I have a Epson L805 and did fine for some weeks. I did even let it off for a week, just kept the cap wet all the time  A head cleaning here and there and everything was fine until 5 days ago. I didn't print or do anything for 3 days and I had trouble to make the printer work again.

    On my nuzzles check the white was always weak (some empty lines) while CMYK were all good. It felt that at evey test, checking and cleaning made it worse. The white would fade away until I could not see white anymore so I decided to clean the printer head, I took the printer head off and cleaned using cleaning solution. It worked again for a day and then the white ink started to fade away during printing again. I've changed both white dumpers and cleaned them using the push and pull method.


    Should I replace the printer head or is there anything else to try before that (this is quite expensive for me in my country)?


    Thank you!

    i could honestly type for hours about the various causes and it probably not help you at all because it really does boil down to the fine details and variables. 

    DTF is expensive to learn and we all make a ton a mistakes.


    good luck! 

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Dtfnoob said:

    any other suggestion that can help me out?

    Pretty much all it can be is your film or overheating if nothing is touching the film. Rolls/sheets of film can go from good to crap, it happens all the time. 

    First step I would do is make sure the white side doesn't have that look. If it does, Something is hitting it. If it doesn't, It's the film or image in my opinion. Overheating does cause some random looking issues, so it's possible but least likely. 

  15. 16 hours ago, Dtfnoob said:

    Im not aware of any brand. Is it possible for you to give me an example. I am using the powder that was provided where i bought the printer. It has a blue bottle container

    It's a long road- Figuring it all out. I don't know of any brands either. I test various suppliers until I find what I like and stick with that and hope it stays the same. 

    Cracking after washing usually is directly related to the powder or ink, so I would start there. 


    What brand is your machine?

  16. 17 minutes ago, Dtfnoob said:

    hi.guys..ive been playing around with the settings i always have issues with crack. i watched some videos. it should be pretty strechy right? for me even the slightest stretch will crack the paint specially on white colors i use 1440x1440 60/200. I do heavy pressure 160 with 20 secs. Can you help me pls

    Try a different adhesive powder. 

  17. 2 hours ago, ugursengil said:

    Hi, I have a problem about the panel cables. Thermostat was not working and I called someone to solve problem. But they mixed all cables so now nobody knows which cable plug which place. Can anyone send me the photos of panel inside?

    All the wiring should be self explanatory. The PID has symbols on the back for where it goes. If the person was messing with anything other than those two wires then I'd go after them to have it professionally repaired. 




    A photo of yours would be helpful. I own 5 shakers now plus my DIY cart. all but two are different because they are from the same batch and place. 

  18. 2 hours ago, ugursengil said:

    Hi, I know this is an old subject but I need help. I received a mini dtf shaker but there are some problems about cables. Can anyone help me? Just I need some photos about inside of panel.

    They are going to be different. Generally though it's a basic system with two relays, 2 panel mounted POTs and some switches. There will be one AC to DC power supply. that is all that is in mine anyway.

  19. So I'm just making a little post to post replacement part numbers and such for the audley mini shaker. Generally this comes from needing to repair something that has failed, but not always. 



    Bearing for the duster box-

    P/N F6900ZZ its a 10X22X6 flanged bearing. 

    Relay for the Heating elements ( which can also be used for the takeup wheel) 

    Solid State Relay SSR-40DA DC to AC Input 3-32VDC To Output 24-480VAC 40A

    Duster Bin Motor:

    (Upgrade) using a much higher torque rated motor will allow it to last much longer:


    Or you can use OEM quality duster bin motor:


    It's a 24 volt eccentric 30 RPM motor. 6MM shaft. 


    Sensor for takeup wheel: 

    P/N E3F-DS30C4 


    Power Supply ( for DC electronics like duster/shaker):

    DC 24V 5A power supply ( make sure it supports and is set to 220V input before installing)



    Timer relay for take-up wheel/duster motor:

    If you want to separate your duster motor from the take up wheel delay timer, you can just add one of these in-line to the relay so it triggers this and allows the duster motor to run longer/shorter as needed per trigger cycle:


    (Unauthorized modifications below)

    Personally I modified mine. The original relay controls the takeup wheels/duster. The 2nd new relay I added controls the "shaker bar" so the slapper only runs when the takeup wheel runs., and for X time after the takeup wheel stops. I also used a third relay to control the duster so it can run longer/shorter. This basically allows separate timings, more silent operation, and more even powdering. Takeup wheel, powdering, slapping, all come on at the same time, takeup wheel goes off as normal, slapper goes off a few seconds later, duster goes off a few seconds after the shaker. this makes the entire setup fully adjustable so in any scneario I get the correct amount of everything I need for perfection.


    I also again laser cut some acrylic to fit the end caps of the takeup wheels to prevent sideways movement of the film as it rolls up. 

    I added a powder hopper box to the original powder hopper out of acrylic. It lets the machine run for 100+ minutes without any manual recycling. While there is a nice feature on fancy 24" shakers that recycles the powder for you, adding a small hopper to smaller units is a huge benefit for production I added a secondary pan under the OEM powder pan to catch powder when I am recycling the powder. No mess, no waste. No airborn particles or staticy powder.

    I removed the film cooling fans entirely- was not needed due to the length of space from the film exiting the heating chamber to actually rolling up. Printing at 21+ 12" X 12" an hour ( 252 inches  of length an hour) it is cool before getting halfway there without the fans. Removed and stored away for easier access to load/unload rolls and to use the secondary film wheel when transitioning rolls. 


    Overall it's a great machine and I will continue to post parts I run into that fail or are working unsatisfactory for my own reference and anyone else it may help. I would highly reccomend having some spare parts on hand for any shaker, the main failure points I have encountered and would recommend knowing the model number and keeping spares on hand: Duster motor and Relays. Any "original" component that failed, did so before any modification was made to that aspect. I.E, the duster motor. I added the new motor and hopper at the same time after the original failure.




  20. 2 hours ago, anum11 said:

    It is very possible to clog 24” printers printhead in a short amount of time if you dont know what you are doing. Seen 10 diffirent person. Start small learn the basics, if you are going to earn money then incest on a big one.

    Totally agree, short but sweet version. 

  21. 9 hours ago, dtftex said:

    I appreciate all of that honest info. This may not be for me then as I don’t think I have the time. I mean I know it takes time but my wife and I just moved into a new house and a newborn is on the way. I will keep what you have said in mind as I decide in my next steps, thank you for your feedback.

    No worries. I was in your shoes 6-7 years ago. 

    good luck with whatever you decide, it’s never easy but it’s always worth the extra effort. 

  22. 2 hours ago, dtftex said:

    For enough. I appreciate that info. For someone who is just starting out, what printer do you recommend I get? Like you’ve said the p400 is hard to find.  I know I’m gonna need to switch the head regardless of the printer  so I can convert it; but what printer should I get then? I’m trying to be mindful of cost for now and eventually get a more expensive one after I’ve made some cash, and if the need is there. I’m pretty big on spending what I’ve made instead of paying out of pocket upfront (minus the initial cost of the first printer). Basically I am going to use it to print sporadically but I want to be able to print high quality images like photos Ive added for example. Any info is very much appreciated.



    The problem is your a bit late to the game so most compatible printers are gone, as well as the deals. 

    all compatible models have been discontinued and are hard to find except:


    some 6 color ecotank printers

    epson p-5000

    epson P-6000


    the xp-15000 printer is a pain to start  on, generally just not ideal. It’s good to learn with though. Know you’ll break it within 60 days no matter how prepared you are. 

    i don’t recommend eco tanks at all, waste of $600 in my opinion. Yeah you can make them work, but it’s rather impossible to maintain consistency. They are designed for dye based ink, not white pigment ink that needs mixed daily. 

    then you get into rather expensive printers, but the p-5000/p-6000 seem to work well, again, after you’ve had some experience. 

    none of it is as easy as it looks. Sure you’ll get some good prints at first. 2-3 months in though, that’s where experience comes in handy. 

    I personally think for intermittent use the p400 is ideal. For almost daily use the P800 has been the most reliable I’ve used in the two years of printing DTF. 

    the 5000 seems good as well, removing a lot of headaches with features the other printers don’t have. 

    All in all though In my opinion roll printing and a shaker is a basic necessity for consistent sellable prints. People buying DTF want consistency, which sheet printing and hand powdering rarely offers. 

    if I could go back in time and save all the money I’ve wasted up until this point learning from mistakes and finding out why different aspects are a deal breaker on these models, I’d have just purchased a 24” printer from Andy. They are $14,000 now for the entire setup, less printhead warranty and PC ( let’s face it, paying for 3 new printheads and a PC upfront honestly doesn’t make sense, just buy 3 new printheads and a PC externally if and when you need them). 

    seems like ALOT of dough upfront, but after a million “ micro purchases” to make a system yourself plus the time and learning experience, it’s actually cheaper. 

    I’ve tried ordering from China, every single time there is always some bullshit associated with it you have to deal with financially and time wise, I don’t care how smart you go about it or if you think chargebacks work. It’s a literal game of luck. 


    let me put it to you this way, I went down this road years ago. The path you are considering. The exact path actually. Paying for the costs with profits, that was my business moto.  Absolutely dip your toes in with a cheap printer to learn and see if it’s what you want is a must in my opinion. 

    but leave it there, you’ll break it, don’t get sucked in when you feel “ shorted” and want to keep trying. With most things this business model works great, but with DTF you are left with massive, I mean MASSIVE amounts of time taken and little to show for it. You’ll end up with hundreds of purchases that have no resell value. 

    had I purchased one of these $14,000 setups from the get go, I’d have saved over $20,000 in the last 2 years. Make a little money, spend it to grow. Over and over. You end up with a bunch of low quality broken crap that you wish you wouldn’t have purchased and started with something that you go can grow into, instead of replacing every time you turn around. 

    if you want to make money at selling transfers, your looking at a minimum of $3,000 to start, being cheap as hell. Sheet printing is only good for testing or in house use.  After a couple months, you might make $5,000-$6,000 on that setup which you will then now have outgrown. People want 25-50 12”x12” transfers printed and shipped in 24 hours. You can’t do that or you’ll have a dissatisfied customer, so your turning down orders or overall unable to complete them. If you don’t, someone else will then you’ve lost a customer. Get one tiny issue with your setup at all, your whole operation is down. Bulbs, motors, printheads, capping stations, bad inks, bad ICC settings or ink percentages, bad adhesive layer it goes on and on. All it takes is one mistake to destroy what you’ve built.

    With a DIY pieced together system, it happens almost daily. I know, I’ve been doing it for two years. 

    so take that $5,000-$6,000 and reinvest it again, upgrading to meet demand. Now you have a useless previous system with no value because it has suffered from failures that require forced modifications. People don’t buy used or broken equipment unless it’s a full on actual unit like the 24” Printers.


     Now you are at ground zero again, broke but with a better setup. Do it again, and again, and again. Finding yourself going nuts trying to keep up with the “ small” things that add up to the whole unit.

    eventually you’ll turn around and find $20,000 worth of junk behind you and no running printers, with next to no money to show for it because it all went into “ learning and growing”. Something as simple as one bad batch of ink can destroy an entire printer, not just the printhead on an Epson printer. 


    OR you could start off with a small sheet printer to find out if it’s what you want to do. The first week, any new printer will offer great results. After that, it’s downhill until you learn from your mistakes. 

     go “ all-in” if you decide your up to the task and want to dedicate your time to the process. Buy a $15,000 setup and grow into the printer, not the other way around. Worst case, it will hold at least 50% of its value if the business venture fails. You’ll need to print and sell/ship roughly  7,500 12”X12” prints to break even. If you need a new printhead or replacements parts, add 500 12”x12” prints per instance. 

    thats break even. Add the time to print 8000 12”x12” transfers and your looking at 380 hours of printing alone plus maintenance. 

    after that, you’ll have met your profit area and can make $15,000 in every 7,500 12”x12” prints. This is assuming nothing breaks. 

    this is with the going/basic profit rate per foot, given you can meet daily demand consistently while offering decent quality and color accuracy while using good supplies with no down time. Usually this requires to keep backup parts on hand, maybe even a whole extra unit. Anything else, and someone else will take your sales.


    it’s highly profitable if you play your cards right, or it can consume your life and keep you making micro purchases running a conversion slowly. Spending all your profit almost weekly to keep running. 



    all that said, the xp-15000 works great to test with, run a few prints and learn the importance of maintenance. Maybe sell some low volume prints for a couple weeks or months. After that, I’d go with a full 24” setup that is warranted and comes with support. 

    I know how the above sounds, but it’s the truth, even doing everything right, even spending months researching. 

    no one likes spending money they don’t have, and with this stuff comes at a serious downfall. To sell transfers and make money, you need consistency, speed, and a lot of time. Something conversions don’t traditionally offer. 

    i wish you luck, but the above is my full on opinion based on my losses and gains. I know it’ll be taken with a grain of salt because you’ll do it differently, but I just wanted to put it out there. It’s well worth putting the money in upfront. 


    Speed, consistency, reliability. If one of those is not there, someone else will do it for you. 


  23. 2 hours ago, dtftex said:

    Hi very new to this but I’m about to purchase a p400 (new) without the printer head. Would you happen to know what head I’d need to purchase to convert the printer to dtf printer? 

    Waste of money, the head itself is $1,000, unless purchased by Epson ( for $600) which is limited one per serial number. If someone harvested the head they likely used that serial already so you would be stuck at the 1,000 cost for the head alone, plus possibly damaging the entire unit installing it. 

     Not to mention it’s not easy on that model to do without damaging the CSIC holder. 

    the new head would need aligned as well more than likely. 


    id opt for another purchase. For example, I’m selling my new unopened Epson p400 that is Epson refurbished for $800 locally. Possibly still under the original warranty, I don’t remember. My point is it’s very likely not worth it with your description. 



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